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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Inkludering"

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“It is not that I didn’t already know these places, but I never thought of them like this.” Methodological approaches to community research in early childhood education in Denmark

The aim of this article is to discuss how participatory methods might contribute to research concerning the development of inclusive, socially just and community-oriented pedagogical practices within the field of early childhood education, as well as contributing to shared knowledge production about relations between kindergartens and local communities.

“It is not that I didn’t already know these places, but I never thought of them like this.” Methodological approaches to community research in early childhood education in Denmark

The aim of this article is to discuss how participatory methods might contribute to research concerning the development of inclusive, socially just and community-oriented pedagogical practices within the field of early childhood education.

Special education technology can allow inclusion, advances

Approximately 13% of American public school students have special needs, such as speech-language issues and autism. Assistive technology can offer them new opportunities. Virtual learning and tools mean special-education students needn’t be separated from their classmates.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Kommuner kæmper fortsat med inklusion i skolen, viser ny rapport

Flere elever kæmper i undervisningen eller visiteres til specialundervisning, og det halter med pædagogiske kompetencer i almenskolen, når det kommer til elever med særlige behov. Sådan lyder konklusionen i en række nye rapporter over skolernes arbejde med inkluderende læringsmiljøer og specialpædagogisk bistand, som Det Nationale Forsknings- og Analysecenter for Velfærd har udarbejdet.