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Coronavirus: how to keep teaching if schools are closed

As schools transition to online learning to curb the spread of the coronavirus, Luis Moreno, a modern foreign languages teacher who has taught in international schools in the UK and overseas, shares tips to help teachers teach remotely. In this commentary, Moreno suggests adopting cloud tools, exploring flipped learning and ensuring familiarity with the tools…
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‘Students are lonely:’ What happens when coronavirus forces schools online

Schools in China and elsewhere, including Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Vietnam, have adopted online education to avoid a disruption in learning while schools are closed amid the coronavirus outbreak. Lee Shawver, who teaches at Qingdao Amerasia International School, says the transition has been hard on students -- some are bored, others lonely -- and…
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Barnets biologiska behov: rörelse och motorik

När forskaren Ylva Odenbring intervjuade barn i förskoleklassen 2017 tryckte många av dem på att de upplevde stress i vardagssituationer, till exempel vid hämtning och lämning. Barnen i studien uppgav bland annat att det var jobbigt med tjat från stressade föräldrar och ledsna småsyskon, att inte hinna välja kläder och behöva springa.
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Teachers use meditation to inspire and calm: ‘Imagine a voice coming from your heart’

Educators hope that leading students in self-reflective exercises such as meditation will give them tools to handle stressful situations, said Amanda Moreno, an associate professor at Erikson Institute, a graduate school that trains professionals in child development. If children can expend less energy to stay calm, the theory holds, they’ll have more gusto for learning.