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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Hälsa"

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Ny kunskaps­sammanställning om psykisk hälsa hos barn och elever med funktions­nedsättning

Nu finns en kunskapssammanställning inom området psykisk hälsa hos barn och elever med funktionsnedsättning. Den visar att elever med funktionsnedsättning trivs i mindre utsträckning i skolan. De har även mer problematisk skolfrånvaro än elever utan funktionsnedsättning.

Bullying, Interrupted

The COVID-19 pandemic closed schools and forced students into online education, causing widespread worry among parents and educators that an increase in cyberbullying would follow. But that increase never materialized, reports a new study. In fact, bullying and cyberbullying rates actually dropped during the pandemic.  
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Three reports on student achievement during the pandemic

Three new reports on student achievement during the pandemic all point to larger declines in math than in reading and widening gaps between the haves and have-nots. But describing exactly how students are doing academically is proving to be a challenge when school closures and pandemic experiences varied so wildly from state to state and…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on early child cognitive development: Initial findings in a longitudinal observational study of child health

Overall, we find that measured verbal, non-verbal, and overall cognitive scores are significantly lower since the beginning of the pandemic. Looking further, we find that children born before the pandemic and followed through the initial stages do not show a reduction in skills or performance, but rather that young infants born since the beginning of…