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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Hälsa"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

These 3 districts have plenty of ideas for easing COVID staff shortages

Principal Zachary Robbins’ solution to COVID-era school staffing shortages might sound obvious, but for K-12 leaders it’s been easier said than done since the pandemic began. “You have to make sure you attend to the human side of teaching and learning, and the human side of human resources,” says Robbins.

Global emergency remote education in secondary schools during the COVID-19 pandemic

This work has given us the opportunity to review an area of evidence in depth and explore an issue fully from a number of angles. Our intention is that the review is a resource for those with interest and need in learning more about how online and distance learning occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Huvudvärk och nedstämdhet - stress i skolan ökar psykisk ohälsa hos unga

Sociala påfrestningar i skolan och hemma kan påverka den psykiska ohälsan hos unga, visar en ny avhandling av Victoria Lönnfjord, doktor i socialt arbete vid Karlstads universitet. "Det gäller ju sociala påfrestningar i skolan, men också relaterat till familjen och individen själv och hur det här associeras till psykosomatiska besvär", säger hon.