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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Framgångsrika flickor och floppande pojkar

Vi ser allt fler tecken på att en växande grupp pojkar misslyckas i skolan. Även på universiteten ökar andelen kvinnor. Är det så att utbildningen feminiseras, och är det rimligt att skolan så påtagligt gynnar flickor och missgynnar pojkar, frågar sig Erik Cardelús, forskare i pedagogik vid Stockholms universitet.

Scaffolding or simplifying: students’ perception of support in Swedish compulsory school

National goals and performance standards were introduced in Sweden during the 1990s as part of a curriculum reform. The intention was to detect shortcomings among students and provide support to those students who did not reach the passing grade in one (or several) subject/s. Despite this reform, approximately one-fourth of the students do not attain…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Gender differences in the interest in mathematics schoolwork across 50 countries

Although much research has found girls to be less interested in mathematics than boys are, there are many countries in which the opposite holds. I hypothesize that variation in gender differences in interest are driven by a complex process in which national culture promoting high math achievement drives down interest in math schoolwork, with the…