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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Forskningsstudie"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Hur utnyttja skolforskning bättre? - Ny brittisk rapport analyserar utbildningens ekosystem

I en ny rapport från the Royal Society och the British Academy analyseras användningen av utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning och samverkan mellan de olika aktörerna i utbildningens ”ekosystem” i Storbritannien. Karin Hermansson, FoU-ansvarig på Ifous, sammanfattar slutsatserna och kommenterar rapporten. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Teachers leading teachers – understanding middle-leaders’ role and thoughts about career in the context of a changed division of labour

This longitudinal study aims to create in-depth knowledge about the phenomena of middle-leadership and career in school by identifying (1) driving forces for seeking and maintaining middle-leading positions, (2) opportunities and difficulties in maintaining the middle-leading role over time, and (3) underlying thoughts of career disclosed in the respondents’ expressions. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Using TIMSS items to evaluate the efectiveness of diferent instructional practices

Can instructional quality be measured using TIMSS items on how often certain instructional practices are used in the mathematics classroom? We focused on three instructional practices that have been the topics of longstanding debates in the educational literature: memorizing formulas, listening to the teacher, and relating mathematics to daily life. In a multi-level multiple regression…