Thor-Ivar Pute Eriksen, rektor Vettre skole, 1–7, Norge: "Den 12. mars slo bomben ned. Vi skulle dagen etter stenge skolen – på ubestemt tid. Elevene skulle i ukene fremover få undervisning hjemme."
Tim Jarvis, Senior Master and Guidance Counsellor, South Africa: Our students are now back at school, as they are in most places around the world. However, like a tidal wave after the earthquake the educational impact is yet to be fully felt especially for the less fortunate members of our communities.
My lesson from remote teaching is quite simple, it’s the answer to one of the most profound questions I’ve ever heard asked about education. That question is, ‘what happens when we stop pushing?’
Kvalitén sjunker utan fysisk undervisning – trots att alla kollegor arbetar hårdare. Vi har tekniken, den digitala kompetensen, men är inte förtrogna med den pedagogik fjärr- och distansundervisning kräver, skriver en läraren om undervisningen under pandemin.
Digitaliseringen inom skolan ökade takten dramatiskt när pandemin blev ett faktum och många skolor gick över till distansundervisning. Vad har man sett för resultat och vad blir kvar när pandemin är över? Professorerna Per Andersson och Lars-Gunnar Mattsson diskuterar. (webb-radio)
Det har blivit tydligt att det vore förödande att ersätta skol- och campusförlagd utbildning med distansutbildning i större skala, skriver Malin Tväråna, lärare, lärarutbildare och forskare.
What does effective K-5 math teaching look like—especially during remote learning? Author and math expert Sue O'Connell reminds us that math is more than speed and right answers. She shares 10 ideas for creating impactful lessons.
Some high-school students in Chicago say they are struggling to find the motivation to learn via online lessons. Students say teachers and classmates are helping to keep them engaged, and that teachers also are aware of issues beyond academics that students are facing.
But in recent weeks, I’ve been disheartened to read stories that claim online education can’t work for students with special needs. It can, and it does, writes Lindsay Scacco, special education teacher.
Some school principals in New York City say they need more guidance on how to address student discipline amid the coronavirus pandemic. While Chancellor Richard Carranza has said mask refusals could get students kicked out of in-person learning, principals say the city's Department of Education lacks specific policies and communication has been mixed on how…
Learning online can cause students to feel anxious, worried or tired after - a trend known as "Zoom fatigue" - says Brenda Wiederhold, a licensed clinical psychologist. In this interview, Wiederhold says the lack of synchronous learning and the tendency to multitask trigger a type of fight-or-flight response in the brain.