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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Distansundervisning"

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Skolans fjärrundervisning under Coronapandemin 2020 – utmaningar, resultat och framtidsutsikter

Vi undersöker hur väl de svenska skolorna lyckades sköta undervisningen helt eller delvis på distans under ”pandemikrisen” under vårterminen 2020, alltså perioden mars-maj. Data samlades in via strukturerade telefonintervjuer till 301 rektorer i grund- och gymnasieskola under juni och augusti 2020. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Academic testing looks very different in California during distance learning

Teachers across California are adopting various approaches to assess what students have learned during remote lessons. Brian Shay, a high-school math teacher, says assessing students has been more challenging this year, leading teachers to gauge understanding in different ways, including using online polls, exit tickets and Google forms.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Using a portfolio to document remote teaching experience

Chronicling the school year in an online portfolio is a solo form of professional development for educators to track accomplishments and it allows for later reflection. Education consultant Monica Burns recommends that educators spend just a few minutes each week to document activities and resources used in class, photos taken and a few sentences of…