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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Digitalisering"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Tool gauges use of Google in K-12 classrooms

Google has unveiled "transformation reports" to give educators data on how often various Google offerings are actually used and for which specific tasks. This is important because a study last year by BrightBytes found the majority of software licenses purchased by schools went unused and another study by LearnTrials revealed just 9% of education-technology tools…

UofL researchers discover robots help students with autism learn

Students ages 6 to 8 who learned in a classroom setting with a robot named NAO showed more improvement than peers who didn't learn alongside the robot, according to researchers from the University of Louisville in Kentucky. The researchers said they think the robot made students less afraid of reaching the wrong answer and helped…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Google apps are used widely in K-12. A new tool will show just how useful they are.

Google has unveiled "transformation reports" to give educators data on how often various Google offerings are actually used and for which specific tasks. This is important because a study last year by BrightBytes found the majority of software licenses purchased by schools went unused and another study by LearnTrials revealed just 9% of education-technology tools…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Så förändrar IoT skolan

Forskaren Jan Hylén ser över möjligheterna med Internet of Things (IoT) i skolan, ett tidigare outforskat område. Hans arbetsgrupp tittar bland annat på hur man kan mäta och följa elevers lärande för att ge mer individuell hjälp och minska betydelsen av enstaka prov.