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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Digitalisering"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Study finds changes in brain wiring among young children who get more screen time

Preschoolers with elevated ScreenQ scores had reduced structural integrity of white matter in brain areas involved with literacy and language, compared with more well-developed white matter among those with lower ScreenQ scores, according to a study in JAMA Pediatrics. Researchers also found a strong connection between higher ScreenQ scores and poorer emerging literacy, expressive language…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Podcast project helps engage students in learning

Integrating podcasting into the classroom can help encourage students to engage with lessons while exploring their passions. Lindsay Johnson, a high-school English teacher in Kentucky, says making a podcast enabled her students to talk about their interests while learning how to ask the right questions and construct a compelling narrative for listeners who might be…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Elever med erfarenhet av robotar kritiska till att ha dem i klassrummet

Digitaliseringen och samhällets snabba tekniska utveckling har bidragit till diskussioner och tester av pedagogiska robotar i skolan. Ny forskning från Göteborgs universitet visar att elever med erfarenhet av robotar som läser av och analyserar känslor är mer negativa till dem än elever som inte träffat på dessa robotar tidigare.

Avhandling om skillnader i digital och analog återkoppling utsedd till Skolportens favorit

Med digitala lärplattformar blandas formativ bedömning med betygsdokumentation och resulterar i en mer summativ återkoppling till eleverna. Det visar Agneta Grönlunds avhandling om återkoppling i samhällskunskap på gymnasiet som nyligen utsågs till favorit av Skolportens lärarpanel.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

‘Backchannel’ tools let students ask questions anonymously. And that brings more voices.

Using a backchannel tool to allow students to anonymously ask questions increased the number of questions college students asked during class, according to a review. Data show the tool was effective for some groups of students, who said they felt uncomfortable asking questions during class, including female students and first-generation college students.