Students in Delaware have access to digital books through the Sora K-12 reading app from OverDrive Education, says Colleen Hoban, technology specialist for the Colonial School District. In this blog post, Hoban offers five tips for districts as they expand their own digital collections, including raising awareness among teachers and maximizing features available when using…
Der har de seneste år været stigende fokus på, hvordan lærerne anvender data. Nyt forskningsprojekt skal undersøge, hvordan måden, data vises på i digitale læremidler, påvirker lærernes praksis.
Man behöver ha goda kunskaper både i och om språket för att kunna dra nytta av olika digitala hjälpmedel som Google Translate. Det visar Kent Fredholms avhandling i pedagogiskt arbete och romanska språk.
A new artificial intelligence Quick Comments feature is designed to enable math teachers give feedback to students more quickly by offering three initial suggestions for comments on students' math homework based on natural language interpretation of written answers. The feature was developed by a team of researchers at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
The academic unit of the nonprofit Cyber Innovation Center,, this week released what it says is a first-of-its-kind road map for K-12 cybersecurity learning. The main components of the optional standards are computing systems, digital citizenship and security.
Without reliable access to the internet and devices like laptops or cell phones, college students probably aren’t going to succeed in online learning. But there may be another, less tangible factor that’s also required: confidence.
Imagine a classroom where student teams are learning with a computer simulation, planning a scientific expedition to Mars. That level of personalized learning is just one vision of researchers who are harnessing artificial intelligence to improve education.
Att samhällets digitalisering påverkar lärande, skola, och utbildning är det ingen tvekan om. Men vilka uppgifter kan och bör tas över eller underlättas av tekniska artefakter? En ny nationell forskarskola vill skapa mer kunskap inom området.
Vad händer med språkelevers ordförråd och textlängd vid användning av Googles översättningsverktyg? Det har Kent Fredholm, fil. dr i pedagogiskt arbete och romanska språk, studerat närmare.