Bringing math to life, gamifying equations and implementing easy-to-use tools can help draw students' attention during math lessons by making the subject more engaging and relatable, veteran middle-school math teacher Emily Strickland. For example, Strickland brings popular sports into statistics lessons with the help of virtual field trips to a sports arena.
Barn och ungdomar med allvarliga motorik- eller kommunikationssvårigheter ställs inför utmaningar när det gäller att delta i vanliga vardagsaktiviteter.
Badges for students who reach specific learning milestones could be effective motivators, just as they are for scouting and for workers who seek to learn and prove new skills, Drexel University professor Stephanie Smith Budhai explains.
The purpose of the article is to develop knowledge of what can characterize music teaching using digital technology as a tool in the preschool from a didaktik perspective. In a research and development programme involving 19 preschools/departments, preschool teachers co-planned, conducted, and co-evaluated music teaching.
Students are spending less on textbooks and other course materials but more on technology, a study by the National Association of College Stores finds. In 2021-22, students spent an average of $339 on books compared with $456 the previous year, but $700 on technology.
Fritidspedagogik har hittat fem nya, spännande fackböcker om allt ifrån skolarisering och läs- och skrivutveckling till näthat. Kanske någon kan vara användbar för ditt jobb?
Yu-Hsin Hsieh har i sin avhandling undersökt möjligheter och effekter av ögonstyrd dator för lek, kommunikation och lärande för barn och ungdomar med omfattande motoriska och kommunikativa svårigheter.
Virtual reality can help middle- and high-school students better understand more complex aspects of math using the quadratic equation to design a city's greenspace or linear equations to avoid collisions as a flight instructor.