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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Digitalisering"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Data as asset, data as rent? Rentiership practices in EdTech startups

29 oktober
The Covid pandemic highlighted the increasing deployment of digital technologies in educational institutions, defined as ‘edtech’. The most visible edtech was video conferencing software, but a swathe of edtech startups have sought to roll out their products and services to educational institutions. We focus specifically on the deployment of edtech in UK higher education by…

The EU policy discourse on EdTech and constructing the image of an excellent teacher

29 oktober
This article presents a discourse analysis of European Union (EU) policy documents on educational uses of digital technology (EdTech) from 2015 to 2022. It explores the ideological dimensions of language use and power relations, particularly concerning the teacher's role. Despite increasing critical scrutiny, the policy discourse in this period remains predominantly unidimensional, framing EdTech as…