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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Covid-19"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

These 3 districts have plenty of ideas for easing COVID staff shortages

Principal Zachary Robbins’ solution to COVID-era school staffing shortages might sound obvious, but for K-12 leaders it’s been easier said than done since the pandemic began. “You have to make sure you attend to the human side of teaching and learning, and the human side of human resources,” says Robbins.

Global emergency remote education in secondary schools during the COVID-19 pandemic

This work has given us the opportunity to review an area of evidence in depth and explore an issue fully from a number of angles. Our intention is that the review is a resource for those with interest and need in learning more about how online and distance learning occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Bullying dropped as students spent less time in in-person classes during pandemic

Bullying - both in person and online - dropped, according to national research from Boston University that looked at internet search data from March 2020 to February 2021. The findings showed searches related to bullying were 33% lower and cyberbullying searches were 27% lower than would have been expected based on trends.

Vilka lärdomar tar gymnasieskolan med sig från pandemin?

Hur fungerade den nätbaserade undervisningen under pandemin och vilka lärdomar tar skolledare och lärare på gymnasieskolan med sig in i det nya normalläget? Blir allt ungefär som det var före mars 2020 – eller finns det skäl att tänka i andra banor? Chefen för verksamhetsutveckling på Stadsmissionens skolstiftelse samt rektor och ett lärarlag på Grillska…