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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Covid-19"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

The ups and downs in perceived societal appreciation of the teaching profession during COVID-19: A longitudinal trajectory analysis

Given the disruptions the COVID-19 pandemic has engendered in people's professional lives, the importance and contribution of certain workforces has been under particular scrutiny. In England, the teaching profession has been under particularly close public scrutiny, with concerns that teachers’ perceived social appreciation may have decreased throughout the pandemic.

Surviving or thriving? Exploring school leaders’ perception of initiated digital transformation

The global pandemic, COVID-19 shattered everyday life as we know it and disrupted education globally. In this study, we explore an initiated digital transformation accelerated by the pandemic from school leaders’ perspectives in the context of Swedish high schools.

Forskare rustar förskolan för framtida pandemier

När pandemin slog till stängde världen ner och de flesta länder valde liknande strategier. Inom Norden råder ofta samsyn, men under pandemin valde Sverige en egen väg, där skolor och förskolor förblev öppna. Nu ska forskare från de nordiska länderna gemensamt dra lärdom av erfarenheterna från förskolor Norden runt.