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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Covid-19"

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Juggling ‘Roomers’ and ‘Zoomers’? How teachers make hybrid learning work

After making a major shift to remote learning at the beginning of the pandemic, some teachers had to adjust to another unfamiliar environment when their school buildings reopened: teaching students online and in-person at the same time. Engaging, monitoring and supporting two sets of students with very different needs is a complex juggling act that…

In education we trust: on handling the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Swedish welfare state

Keeping schools open was an active strategy in Sweden to meet the threats of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article we analyze how a collection of welfare state agents with different tasks, resources and interests in interaction formed an assemblage in their responses to the pandemic and how education thereby became part of a strategy…

Lärare i frontlinjen i kampen mot smittspridning

Det var de enskilda lärarna och skolorna som i praktiken fick ta ansvaret för att skolorna skulle kunna hålla öppet när coronapandemin slog till. Samtidigt synliggjordes skolans vitala funktion för hela samhället. Det visar en genomgång av hur det gick till när Sverige höll skolorna öppna under pandemins inledande månader.