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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Bedömning"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Fairest of them all? Assessment identity development among Swedish student and novice teachers of English as a foreign language

Hur diskuterar lärarstudenter och nyutexaminerade lärare i engelska rättvisa och ansvarighet i relation till sina övertygelser och antaganden om bedömning, sina bedömningsmetoder och sina bedömningsidentiteter? Det är några av frågorna som Anna-Marie Csöregh undersöker i sin avhandling.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Putting data into action: 8 questions for educators on effective use of assessments

As school districts consider their assessment processes, it’s important to make sure assessments are being used appropriately to support academic recovery. This fall, K–12 educators across the country will be facing a myriad of challenges as they work to help students rebound from the pandemic’s impacts on student learning.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

No points off for late work

Christina Torres, an eighth-grade English teacher, stepped outside of her comfort zone to adopt a grading policy that does not penalize students for late work. In this article, Torres writes that students receive a separate grade for each assignment based on "organization, planning and preparedness."
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