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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Artificiell intelligens"

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Comparing human-made and AI-generated teaching videos: An experimental study on learning effects

In the age of generative AI, can teaching videos be efficiently and effectively generated by large language models? In this study, the authors used generative AI tools to develop four short teaching videos for a management course and then compared them with human-generated videos on the same subjects in an online experiment.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

AI-optimism, vigilance and biases: support and influence from AI in classroom discussions about social issues

This study explores students’ use of generative AI in classroom discussions about controversial issues. A case study was designed around a two-lesson module developed and implemented by three socialstudies teachers in one upper secondary school in Sweden. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

‘Help!? My students created an evil AI’: on the irony of speculative methods and design fiction

This article contributes to moving forward current discourses about speculative methods by explaining how they can become critical in practice. It explores how the collaborative construction of speculative technological solutions (in this case relating to AI in education) can reveal an implicit acceptance of restricting imaginaries.

Adolescents’ use and perceived usefulness of generative AI for schoolwork: exploring their relationships with executive functioning and academic achievement

In this study, we aimed to explore the frequency of use and perceived usefulness of LLM generative AI chatbots (e.g., ChatGPT) for schoolwork, particularly in relation to adolescents’ executive functioning (EF), which includes critical cognitive processes like planning, inhibition, and cognitive flexibility essential for academic success.

Adolescents’ use and perceived usefulness of generative AI for schoolwork. Exploring their relationships with executive functioning and academic achievement

This study explore the frequency of use and perceived usefulness of LLM generative AI chatbots for schoolwork, particularly in relation to adolescents’ executive functioning, which includes critical cognitive processes like planning, inhibition, and cognitive flexibility essential for academic success.

ChatGPT mer populärt hos vissa skolelever

En ny studie visar att elever med koncentrationsproblem, svårigheter med planering, impulsivitet, eller med att följa instruktioner upplever sig särskilt hjälpta av AI-verktyg i skolarbetet. Eftersom verktygen tycks underlätta för dessa elever att slutföra uppgifter menar forskarna att det finns ett stort behov av att skolor upprättar regler för hur verktygen kan användas – och hur de…