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Utbildare i dans: perspektiv på formeringen av en pedagogutbildning 1939-1965


Britt-Marie Styrke


Lektor Kerstin Thörn, docent Lena Eskilsson


Professor Sture Brändström

Disputerat vid

UmU – Umeå universitet



Titel (se)

Utbildare i dans: perspektiv på formeringen av en pedagogutbildning 1939-1965

Titel (eng)

Educators in Dance: Perspectives on the Formation of a Teacher Education 1939 1965


Humanistisk fakultet, Institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudier

Utbildare i dans: perspektiv på formeringen av en pedagogutbildning 1939-1965

Avhandlingen Utbildare i dans: Perspektiv på formeringen av en pedagogutbildning 1939-1965, behandlar framväxten av en svensk utbildning av lärare i västerländsk danskonst. Ur ett utbildningshistoriskt perspektiv rör sig avhandlingen mellan yrkes- och utbildningsrelaterade förändringsprocesser knutna till frågor om estetiska ideal och pedagogiska förhållningssätt, till autonomi, erkännande och kön. Som exempel blir förhållandet till skolan och bristen på erkännande av danskonst som kunskapsområde tydlig både under perioden och fortsatt under 1900-talet. Med ett splittrat yrkesområde som utgångspunkt behandlar avhandlingen den professionaliseringsprocess som kunde leda fram till att en statligt finansierad utbildning av pedagoger i dans kunde initieras inom Koreografiska Institutet1964. Den utbildningen kom efterhand att övergå i Statens Dansskola 1970, Danshögskolan 1978, samt från och med 2010 Dans och cirkushögskolan.

Educators in Dance: Perspectives on the Formation of a Teacher Education 1939 1965

This thesis describes and theoretically illuminates perspectives on the formation of a dance teacher education in Sweden during the period 1939 65. The process is explored mainly through the visions and activities of Svenska Danspedagogförbundet, SDF (The Swedish Dance Teacher Association). Particular attention is paid to specific instances which eventually could lead toward the establishment of a government-sponsored educational program. The work is both chronologically and thematically arranged in order to enlighten time specific turning points that also encompass three major themes which can be seen as initiation, expansion and establishment. These themes summarize the problems my investigation zeroes in on. The chronological framework is bounded by the foundation of the SDF in 1939, and the first year of classes at the new pedagogical section of Koreografiska Institutet, KI (the Choreographic Institute) in 1964 65. The study focuses on the intersection of aesthetic, educational, and professional transformative processes which also includes the international field of dance. More specifically the study explores the initial process gathering practitioners in a professional association, which could lead both to unionization and the establishment of an education. As far as professional and educational questions are concerned the process toward establishing a system of dance teacher education followed a general growth and organization of the Swedish educational system as a whole. The educational alternatives which evolved between 1959 and 1965 corresponded to both internal and external needs, especially by exposing the lack of a competent corps of teachers. The study examines how these alternatives collaborated and competed with one another for a relatively short time. Though lines of contention were drawn between leading actors this work also illuminates how the profession and the art itself acquired increased status in a broader cultural context. The vision of modernizing the art of dance along with its pedagogy is shown to be as much about pedagogic matters as about aesthetic ideals. Regardless of actual differences and approaches to aesthetics and education the process was guided toward the establishment of a dance teacher education.

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