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Tillblivelsens pedagogik: Om att utmana det förgivettagna. En postkvalitativ studie av det ännu-icke-seddas pedagogiska möjligheter

Publicerad: 2015-03-20
Uppdaterad: 2015-06-01

Forskaren Lotta Johansson har undersökt hur framtiden kan användas i pedagogiska sammanhang för att luckra upp förgivettaganden, stabila positioner och den linjära tiden.


Lotta Johansson


Professor Bosse Bergstedt, Lunds universitet, professor Jonas Aspelin, Högskolan Kristianstad


Nina Rossholt, Oslo and Akershus University College

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Lunds universitet



Titel (se)

Tillblivelsens pedagogik: Om att utmana det förgivettagna. En postkvalitativ studie av det ännu-icke-seddas pedagogiska möjligheter

Titel (eng)

A Pedagogy of Becoming: Challenging the obvious. A post-qualitative approach to the pedagocial oppurtunities of the not-yet-seen


Avdelningen för pedagogik

A Pedagogy of Becoming: Challenging the obvious. A post-qualitative approach to the pedagocial oppurtunities of the not-yet-seen

This thesis explores the educational and methodological opportunities of the ‘not-yet-seen’. Departure is taken in the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari, and in pivotal concepts that challenge the image of the stabile subject,chronological time and established dichotomies in general. The aim of the thesis is three folded. First, it aims to plugthe philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari in with educational, methodological and empirical material. Secondly, it aims to produce methodological spaces for conversations about the not-yet-seen, and thirdly, it aims to study what is produced in these conversations. By ‘plugging’ the present philosophy ‘in’ with Key, Dewey and Freire, the thoughts of Deleuze and Guattari produce possibilities to elaborate with traditional pedagogical questions. In addition, the linear understanding of the category of ‘youths’ is challenged, instead introducing the concept ‘becoming-youth’. In order to escape restricting aspects attendant in conventional humanist qualitative methodologies, the ‘confabulative conversation’ is produced according to a post-qualitative appeal for methods specifically developed through therelation between the study and the theory. With the future as the topic, these confabulative conversations were held with students in their final year in secondary school. Rather than focusing on content and interpretations of what is expressed, the ambition of this study has been to map the movements and what that enables within the conversations. Although a variation of movements take place, two kinds are considered as especially productive. First, by connecting to the not-yet-seen, the voices create movements through what is called ‘becoming-comings’, producing possibilities to challenge the seemingly obvious and highlighting the spaces of actions and the potentials for change. The second kind of movements does plug-into the un-seen, but without capturing its possibilities. Instead, it produces strategiesin order to preserve the prevalent conditions. By questioning the limits of the subject and the linear time view and by introducing a pedagogy of becoming, this study shows that the not-yet-seen and the potentially productive space it produces could be used pedagogically to encourage creative thinking in order to challenge what is taken for granted.

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