Organisation, attityder, lärandepotential: Ett skrivpedagogiskt samarbete mellan en akademisk utbildning och en språkverkstad
Ingrid Lennartson-Hokkanen har i sin avhandling undersökt nybörjarstudenters första möte med
akademiskt skrivande vid ett farmaceutiskt utbildningsprogram.
Ingrid Lennartson-Hokkanen
Docent Mona Blåsjö, Stockholms universitet Doktor Gunlög Sundberg, Stockholms universitet
Docent Viveca Lindberg, Jönköping University
Stockholms universitet
Organisation, attityder, lärandepotential: Ett skrivpedagogiskt samarbete mellan en akademisk utbildning och en språkverkstad
Organization, Attitudes, Learning Potential : A Pedagogical Collaboration Project on Writing between an Educational Program and a Writing Center
Institutionen för svenska och flerspråkighet
Organization, Attitudes, Learning Potential : A Pedagogical Collaboration Project on Writing between an Educational Program and a Writing Center
This dissertation examines Swedish writing centers’ pedagogical positions in relation to surrounding conditions through a case study of organization, attitudes and learning potential in a pedagogical collaboration project on writing with many multilingual students. The data consists of steering documents, students’ texts, interviews, observations, and recorded tutorials. The general aim of the thesis is to explore the learning potential for participants in the collaborative project. The theoretical framework has a sociocultural approach drawn from New Literacy Studies, Wenger’s Social Learning Theory and Dialogism.
Three studies are included. The first study examines organizational conditions in the specific context and shows that the writing center and its tutors have marginalized positions separated from relevant research. The second study finds that conceptions of writing as a skill, alongside those of writing as a process limit students’ opportunity for meaning-making and contesting. The third study focuses on tutorial interaction and results show that tutors support students by i) discussing norms and conventions, ii) strengthening students as writers and second language learners and iii) stimulating meaning making and participation, which seems to increase potential for negotiation and developing academic writing.
General conclusions suggest that writing centers have potential to be sites for pedagogical development where tutors can share, with students and staff, their expertise gained when working with a diverse student population. To strengthen writing centers’ position at universities professionalization of tutors is needed and most importantly research needs to be conducted in writing centers. Students from diverse backgrounds are entering higher education and to value their knowledge and experiences is crucial, not least from a democratic perspective. The writing center can play an important role in this effort.
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