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Managerial Dilemmas of a Borderland Position: Professional Standardization in the Swedish School-age Educare

Publicerad: 2023-05-23

Richard Andersson har undersökt hur lokala styrningsaktörer tolkar och införlivar förändring i sina skolorganisationer efter lärarlegitimationsreformen i fritidshemmet.


Richard Andersson


Docent Carl-Henrik Adolfsson, Linnéuniversitetet. Professor Per Lindqvist, Linnéuniversitetet


Docent Mette Liljenberg, Göteborgs universitet

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Titel (eng)

Managerial Dilemmas of a Borderland Position: Professional Standardization in the Swedish School-age Educare


Institutionen för didaktik och lärares praktik

Managerial Dilemmas of a Borderland Position: Professional Standardization in the Swedish School-age Educare

The overarching aim of the thesis is to explore how local school management actors, i.e. school principals and municipal management staff, interpret and enact changes in their organizations following the demands and intentions derived from the teacher certification reform in Swedish School-age Educare. Through four individual research articles and a summary chapter, this compilation thesis focuses on the local organizing efforts and areas of conflict in enacting the initiatives of quality development and equivalence within the educational program. As a novel entity when compared to the institutional and professional properties of the neighboring school forms, and with little prior research into the managerial practice of the educational program, this thesis contributes to the understanding of professional standards-implementation and educational management outside of the compulsory school system. The thesis takes its theoretical point of departure in a symbolic interactionist approach toorganizational sensemaking – providing a framework for exploring actors’ interpretations, interactions and actions in making sense of the reform in relation to themselves, their organizations and extended environments. Guided by constructivist grounded theory methodology, the sub-studies ofthe thesis are carried out through case studies and qualitative interview studies.The main findings of the thesis show that managerial actors in Swedish School-age Educare interpret and enact the intentions and demands of the reform based on three co-constructive and dilemmatic factors that encompass the identity, quality and resource-based aspects of the educational program. Managers, across both the municipal and local school level, untangle and maneuver within and between these factors by means of contextual rationality and pragmatic problem-solving – resulting in a wide variation in outcomes between individual organizations. This is apparent incommon activities affected by the content of the reform, such as professional development of current staff, recruitment procedures and hiring routines and the re-structuring of staff responsibilities. As a result of this, issues arise in relation to the initial reform intentions and logic of qualitative equivalence through professional standardization in School-age Educare, with further implications for local managerial practice towards improvement and change in the educational program.

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