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Läsförmågan bland 9-10-åringar. Betydelsen av skolklimat, hem- och skolsamverkan, lärarkompetens och elevers hembakgrund

Publicerad: 2009-05-22
Uppdaterad: 2012-03-29

Elisabeth Frank


Professor Karin Taube, Umeå universitet och Fil. Dr. Monica Rosén, Göteborgs universitet


Professor Anders Arnqvist, Karlstads universitet

Disputerat vid

GU – Göteborgs universitet



Titel (se)

Läsförmågan bland 9-10-åringar. Betydelsen av skolklimat, hem- och skolsamverkan, lärarkompetens och elevers hembakgrund

Titel (eng)

Reading skills among 9-10 year olds. The importance of school climate, collaboration between school and home, teacher competence and pupils


Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik

Läsförmågan bland 9-10-åringar. Betydelsen av skolklimat, hem- och skolsamverkan, lärarkompetens och elevers hembakgrund

Skolklasser utgör sociala system där interaktion sker mellan lärare, elever och föräldrar vars olika behov, intressen, erfarenheter, kunskaper och förmågor bidrar till hur verksamheten utformas men också till vilka sociala förhållanden som råder. Detta gör varje klass unik och därpå följer att betingelserna för undervisning och lärande skiljer sig åt klasser emellan.

Utifrån sekundäranalyser av The IEA Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, PIRLS 2001, studeras i avhandlingen vilken betydelse skol- och klassrumsklimat och hem- och skolsamverkan har för elevers läsförmåga. Fokus ligger även på effekter av lärarkompetens och elevers hembakgrund. Resultaten visar att klasser inte bara skiljer sig åt med avseende på elevers hembakgrund ochläsprestation. Skillnader finns även i form av olika tryggt klimat men också i vad mån föräldrarna är delaktiga i skolarbetet. Det framstår också klart att det finns skillnader med avseende på den undervisande lärarens kompetens. Mycket tyder på att det i denna kompetens inte bara ligger att främja god läsförmåga utan också att skapa ett tryggt klimat och ett positivt föräldrasamarbete.

Reading skills among 9-10 year olds. The importance of school climate, collaboration between school and home, teacher competence and pupils

The main aim of the thesis is to acquire knowledge about conditions in the school and classroom context that are relevant to students reading skills. In focus are school and classroom climate and the collaboration between home and school. Also taken into account are the effects of students’ home background and teacher competence. The data consists of the grade 3 sample from the Swedish participation in the PIRLS (Progress in Reading Literacy Study) study in 2001 conducted by IEA. The statistical method principally used was structural equation modeling (SEM) where theoretically grounded latent variable models were fitted to the data. The manifest variables used as indicators were selected from the teachers , the schools , students and the parents questionnaires. A standardized reading achievement score was used as an outcome variable. The study includes three broad steps. Based on a comparison of low and high performing classes, it identifies in the first step areas that seems to be important for achievement. In this step, a number of survey questions are also identified, which serve as indicators of the concepts identified in the next step. The second step consists of a literature review in which previous research and theory in selected problem areas are studied. Through theories and/or previous research, a number of concepts are identified whose relationship to reading achievement is examined in the next step. In the third and final step, a series of theoretically based structural equation models are fitted to the data. In the first stage, measurement models of broad constructs such as parental participation and safe climate are identified and later included in a two-level structural model. These latent variables are related to achievement both at the individual and at the class level. The results indicate that safety as well as the collaboration between school and home play an important role in explaining differences in reading achievement between classes. Between students in classes safety also seems to be important for explaining reading skills, whilst the effect of parental participation at the individual level seems to be almost negligible. In the final analysis, the relationships between each construct and reading achievement were investigated in separate models where both teacher competence and student home background was included. It is shown that the positive effect that safety as well as parental participation had on achievement was dependent on student home background and teacher competence at the class level, but also to some extent at the individual level. The results also showed that teacher competence and student home background do not seem to be systematically related to each other. To summarise, it can be noted that there are differences between classes not only with respect to pupils home background and reading achievement. There are also differences in the form of climates that vary in safety but also in the extent to which the parents participate in schoolwork. It was clear that there were also differences as regards the teaching teacher s competence. There are many indications that this competence includes not only promoting good reading skills but also creating a safe climate and positive collaboration between school and home.

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