Lärande av rörelseförmåga i idrott och hälsa ur ett praktikutvecklande perspektiv
Vilka områden avseende undervisning av rörelseförmåga i ämnet idrott och hälsa har beforskats i relation till lärares undervisningsuppdrag? Det är en av frågorna som Heléne Bergentoft undersöker i sin avhandling.
Heléne Bergentoft
Professor Mona Holmqvist, Malmö universitet Claes Annersted, Göteborgs universitet Dean Barker, Göteborgs universitet
Professor Karin Redelius, Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan
Göteborgs universitet
Lärande av rörelseförmåga i idrott och hälsa ur ett praktikutvecklande perspektiv
Movement capability. Development of teaching practice in physical education and health
Institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap
Movement capability. Development of teaching practice in physical education and health
The aim of this investigation was to explore how the connections between teaching and learning about movement capability in the school subject physical education and health can be developed and transferred through research in practice development. Three research questions guided the investigation (1) What areas regarding teaching of movement capability in the school subject physical education and health have been studied in relation to teachers’ teaching assignment? (2) What necessary prerequisites are required to systematize and transfer research in practice development on movement capability between educational contexts? (3) What linkages are made visible between the treatment of learning content, the teaching design and students’ learning through variation in lesson design? Cultural-historical perspective and variation theory were used as frameworks and the methodology, mixed method research. The empirical data consists of published articles, video-observed lessons, recorded meetings with teachers and students, pre- and post-tests. The findings position the thesis in a guided teaching perspective. Moreover, findings show how the connection between teaching and learning about movement capability systematically can be developed and transferred between teaching contexts through iterative processes with revised lessons based on students’ knowledge. By the use of variation theory, understanding of the meaning of movement capability became more nuanced and itemized. The results also illustrate how the collaboration between teachers and researchers generated development of science-based teaching of movement capability.
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