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Historia från kursplan till klassrum: perspektiv på lärares historieundervisning från Lpo 94 till Lgr 11

Publicerad: 2020-11-04
Uppdaterad: 2021-02-09

Vilka mål, vilket innehåll och vilka metoder uppfattar högstadielärare, före och efter Lgr 11, som mest centrala i sin historieundervisning? Det är en av frågorna som Jessica Jarhall undersöker i sin avhandling.


Jessica Jarhall


Associate professor Thomas Småberg, Malmö universitet Axelsson Cecilia Yngvéus, Malmö universitet


Professor May-Brith Ohman Nielsen, Universitetet i Agder

Disputerat vid

Malmö universitet



Titel (se)

Historia från kursplan till klassrum: perspektiv på lärares historieundervisning från Lpo 94 till Lgr 11

Titel (eng)

History from Syllabus to Classroom : Perspectives of Teachers’ History Teaching from Lpo 94 to Lgr 11

History from Syllabus to Classroom : Perspectives of Teachers’ History Teaching from Lpo 94 to Lgr 11

The thesis examines how history teachers perceive history teaching in Swedish lower secondary schools during a time-period when two different curricula were in use: Lpo 94 and Lgr 11. The overall aim is to investigate how history can be expressed through teachers’ transformation of the subject, from syllabus to classroom. The study focuses mainly on the perceived and the operational curricula, according to Goodlad et als curriculum theory. Transformation and transformation factors, i.e. factors that influence teachers’ transformation, are central concepts of the thesis. Those are based on Shulman’s theory of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and teachers’ knowledge base. The term transformation is used in a wide sense, including the process of planning, teaching, and evaluation. Theories from both German and Anglo-american history didactics are used to create an analytical model, including three dimensions of historical knowledge and three sets of historical concepts. The model is used to analyze the respondents’ stories as content knowledge, disciplinary knowledge and functional knowledge.

The empirical material was collected from qualitative interviews with twenty-one history teachers at six different lower secondary schools.  In addition to the interviews, teaching material in the form of teacher planning, examinations and other documents were collected. These documents were used to support, or question, the findings in the interviews.

The results show that teachers transformed the history subject in several different ways, using the syllabus as starting point. The main factors influencing the teachers’ choice of goals, content and methods in their history teaching were the students, the text books and their knowledge base. For the teachers in the second sub-study, the new national test had a profound impact on the choices teachers made. The three dimensions of knowledge, dealing with content (substantive knowledge), metahistorical concepts and skills (procedural knowledge), and value related issues (meaning) in history proved to be important in history teaching, both before and after Lgr 11. Although the main emphasis on knowledge as content was a continuity, the disciplinary aspects have gained importance during the period. All teachers also took the dimension of meaning into their teaching. A specific result shows that teachers who taught in multi-cultural classrooms especially saw identity and democratic citizenship as important aspects of their teaching. Another important result is that the national tests had a great impact on teachers after Lgr 11. The study also showed that history teachers were affected by the educational context, i.e. accountability, a strong emphasis on the quality of education and increased control.

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