Från ung till vuxen i omställningens tid: en longitudinell studie av värderingar med utgångspunkt i Ingleharts teori om den tysta revolutionen
Birgit Lindgren Ödén
Professor Peter Nynäs, Åbo Akademi.
Anders Sjöborg, Uppsala universitet, Jørgen Straarup, Umeå universitet/Södertörns högskola
Högskolan i Gävle
Från ung till vuxen i omställningens tid: en longitudinell studie av värderingar med utgångspunkt i Ingleharts teori om den tysta revolutionen
Avdelningen för humaniora. (Religionsvetenskap)
Från ung till vuxen i omställningens tid: en longitudinell studie av värderingar med utgångspunkt i Ingleharts teori om den tysta revolutionen
Sammanfattning från avhandlingen sid 202-203:
I avhandlingen Från ung till vuxen, undersöker jag sex åttiotalisters grundläggande värderingar under perioden 1999–2012 i ljuset av Ronald Ingleharts teori om den tysta revolutionen. Teorin grundas på ett antagande om en gradvis förändring av västvärldens värderingssystem i takt med generationsskiften. Detta antagande utgår från en så kallad socialisationshypotes som också är utgångspunkt för min studie. Mina två forskningsfrågor är: Bekräftas Ingleharts socialisationshypotes i förhållande till de i studien ingående individerna? Hur påverkas individen av de strukturella förändringar som sker under efterkrigstiden i västvärlden, inklusive Sverige?
Abstract in English
Summary: In the thesis from young to adult, I examine six persons view of life, during the period 1999-2012 to examine Ronald Ingleharts theory of The silent revolution. The theory involves the assumption of a gradual change in the West’s value system in pace with transition from one generation to the next. This assumption is based on a so-called socialization hypothesis which also is the starting point for my study. The major processes that are taking place in the late modern countries entails, according to Inglehart, that the younger generation’s value system evolves in such a way that it differs markedly from the parent view of life. He also assumes that the core values are formed in childhood and adolescence, suggesting that this period is the limitation of the socialization process. According to the theory, individuals and society interact. A change in the societal level leads to a change on the individual level, which in turn leads to consequences and changes at the societal level. Inglehart believes that the gradual changes can be difficult to understand and believe that it may be due to a tendency to hold on to old traditions and a lack of concepts or models that may include acts or alternative future images. He predicts that lifestyle factors, such as the setting of the environment, gender equality, quality of life, ethnicity, ideology, and redefinition of morality, will get a greater importance on the political agenda. He also believes that the political system structure will be changed by various interest groups will be challenging the political elite. The social transformations Inglehart refers to, I have examined by doing a survey of the structural changes taking place in post-war Sweden under the above themes. The aim of the review is to give a picture of the change that has taken place and is still taking place in Sweden. I use the concept of adjustment time in the sense that the larger collective contexts shrinks, while the more individual-based increases. Fundamental valuations permeate respondents’ views on the conditions of working life, training / education, politics / ideology / religion and recreation. Those surveyed ”themes” is, as I mean, parts of a view of life. The respondents were also categori zed according to Inglehart’s division into materialists, post-materialists and a mixed group. The structural changes that occur in the study affect individuals in different ways and it is reflected in their values. The Ingleharts socialization hypothesis is supported as the values that were spoken at the first individual interview in 2000 shows stability over time, in 2012.
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