Designs for Learning in an Extended Digital Environment: Case Studies of Social Interaction in the Social Science Classroom
Susanne Kjällander
Professor Staffan Selander,Lektor Eva Svärdemo Åberg
Professor Ria Heilä-Ylikallio
Stockholms universitet
Designs for Learning in an Extended Digital Environment: Case Studies of Social Interaction in the Social Science Classroom
Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik/Barn och ungdomsvetenskapliga institutionen
Doktorsavhandlingen handlar om hur elever i åldrarna 6-17 interagerar, skapar mening och lär sig i SO-klassrummet då de använder sig av digitala lärresurser. Fem mycket IKT-avancerade skolor ingår i studien. Avhandlingen består av fem artiklar som bland annat handlar om meningserbjudanden i det digitala gränssnittet, identitetsskapande och bedömning. Den presenterar ett nytt perspektiv på lärande: ”Designs for learning” och resulterar bland annat i en diskussion om hur lärare och elever själva skapar sitt digitala material; hur lärande får informella drag då elever spenderar mycket tid på nätet; hur elever samarbetar och lär sig inte bara via text och språk utan även via ljud, bilder, animeringar, symboler och färger; samt hur elever skapar egna parallella lärvägar beroende på sina egna intressen – lärvägar som ofta blir osynliga och svåra att bedöma för läraren. Avhandlingen avslutas med en diskussion om de utmaningar som skolan står inför nu när så stor del av undervisningen och lärandet pågår online.
Designs for Learning in an Extended Digital Environment: Case Studies of Social Interaction in the Social Science Classroom
This thesis studies designs for learning in the extended digital interface in the Social Science classroom. The aim is to describe and analyse how pupils interact, make meaning and learn while deploying digital learning resources.
Together with the thesis a multimodal design theoretical perspective on learning has developed: Designs for Learning. Here learning is understood as multimodal transformative processes of sign-making activities where teachers and pupils are viewed as didactic designers. A model called Learning Design Sequence has been developed and serves as a tool for data collection and analysis. Video observation material from five ICT-advanced schools with pupils aged 6-17 was multimodally transcribed and analysed.
In conclusion the thesis, among other things, indicates that:- Social Science acquires informal features and pupils are independently designing their own digital Social Science material.
– Pupils interactions are significantly multimodal and the digital learning resource becomes a third element in interaction. Pupils are constantly active and very responsive to each others representations. They cooperate as if learning in the extended interface is a collective responsibility.
– Pupils learning is also significantly multimodal. Being digital natives, they engage in colours, sounds and images to represent some of their learning.
– Learning represented in modes other than text and speech becomes invisible and disappears in the digital divide.
– Pupils are simultaneously designing parallel paths of learning. One path represents the formalised education which is the path initiated, promoted and assessed by the teacher. The other path is guided by pupils interests and by affordances in the digital interface. This represents the extended learning that goes on below the surface.
The thesis ends with a discussion about didactic complexities in The Online Learning Paradigm.