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Exploring the Intersection of Marketisation and Central State Control through Swedish National School Inspection

Moa Duvarci Engman
Skribent:Moa Duvarci Engman

This article focuses on the role of the state in the context of an increasing market orientation in Swed- ish education policy. It asks if and how a market orientation and privatisation can be reconciled with attempts to re-establish central output control. The controlling function of the state is emphasised in the form of efforts to inspect both public and private schools. Drawing on the literature on govern- ance, dealing with the “hollowing-out” and “filling-in” of the state, two scenarios are distinguished asserting that a market orientation in the case of education policy could either reduce or intensify the need for state-led control. It is concluded that the characteristics of Swedish education policy conform to the “filling-in” line of argument, namely that central state control is strengthened at a point in time when a market orientation and greater choice and privatisation are gaining ground.

Författare: Linda Rönnberg

Exploring the Intersection of Marketisation and Central State Control through Swedish National School Inspection

Education Inquiry, Vol 2, No 4 2010

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