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Kontext och mänskliga samspel – Ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande

Ebba Reinolf
Skribent:Ebba Reinolf

Context and interaction: a sociocultural perspective on learning. The article outlines some features of a sociocultural perspective on learning. A core assumption in this tradition is that people appropriate human experiences and knowledge through interaction with others, and that language plays a central role in such processes. Language and linguistic expressions are not to be conceived as representations of a given outside reality. A basic element of a sociocultural perspective is the idea of semiotic mediation, i. e. the assumption that the world is construed differently in different discourses and social practices. Learning can be construed as a process of appropriating an increasingly differentiated and specified linguistic structuring of the world, while at the same time familiarizing oneself with when and how different discourses and contextualizations are relevant and productive.

Författare: Roger Säljö

Kontext och mänskliga samspel – Ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande

Utbildning & Demokrati Vol 20, No 3 2012

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